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    1, xiamen green proprietary trading platform
    (1) online
    In simple terms, is the traditional enterprise sales trading online, the customer simply clicking on the computer (or phone) can order directly, very convenient, safe, efficient, truly realizing the traditional Internet sales.
    (2) online function
    A, way to trade: spot transactions;
    B, the method of payment: cash settlement, on credit, loan payments;
    Cash settlement: the customer can be prepaid phone money directly to the capital account directly with cash settlement;
    Credit way: by xiamen green have credit qualification review, xiamen green will assign the customer a credit line, the line within the scope of the customer can choose on direct order;
    Loan payment: approved loan amount of customers, customers are within the range line may choose to pay, loan increases with the increasing loans to loan, and varies with borrowed also, press day plan breath, discount, etc
    C, mode of delivery: physical delivery.
    (3) online for your benefit
    A,, convenient, safe and efficient.
    B, free access to a channel of unsecured unsecured credit loans, and the money borrowed time also, press day plan breath, discount, etc
    C, reduce financial cost.
    2, how to become a xiamen green purchasing customers online
    Precondition: (1) to have a long-term cooperation with xiamen green procurement customers;
    (2) procurement customers submit relevant materials and apply to market docking personnel;
    (3) distribution of xiamen green purchasing customer trading center login name and password;
    (4) purchase customers can login name and password in the login window login, modify the password after easily traded.

    Copyright(C)2016,Xiamen LvYin Reagent and Glass Apparatus Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
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